As a university internationally regarded for its top-level research and innovative teaching concepts, Bielefeld University makes a significant contribution to a progressive and parti-cipatory knowledge society. It is an attractive, family-friendly place to work and study and is characterised by an open communication culture, lived interdisciplinarity, diversity and freedom for personal development.
Bielefeld University was founded in 1969 with an explicit research assignment and a mission to provide high-quality research-oriented teaching. With around 25,000 students, the University currently encompasses 14 faculties. As a ‚Volluniversitat‘ (full university), it offers a differentiated range of disciplines in the humanities, natural sciences, technology as well as in medicine.
Research Cooperations – Internationally visible and active
Bielefeld University is an internationally successful institution with networks across the globe. In many areas, it is one of the world’s leading research institutions with a high international profile and engagement. The University cultivates international cooperations and partnerships with universities on all continents and participates in numerous international research projects.
Numerous of these research associations are existing at European level and are supported by external funds of the European Union. In addition, there are many other research cooperations throughout the world organised at university and faculty level. You can find an overview here.
Further information on EU Research Cooperations are available in the Cordis Project Database. Here, you can search for project names or further features.
You are welcome to contact the Department for Research Administration and Technology Transfer (FFT) in case of questions regarding research cooperations.
Universitätsstr. 25
D-33615 Bielefeld
Tel +49 521 10600
Fax +49 521 1065844