SOEP-RegioHub offers a Graduate Training Program for its PhD Students in Bielefeld and Berlin. The Program is embedded in the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), the Bielefeld Graduate School in Economics and Management (BiGSEM) and the DIW Graduate Center.
Most courses are open to PhD Students and Master Students from other programs and faculties. Future training will offer online courses and workshops for the scientific community interested in analyzing regionalized (SOEP) survey data.
Please find ongoing and recent courses below.
300295 / MC / WISE 2024/25
Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh
THU 16-18 IN X-D2-105
300291 / RC / WISE 2024/25
Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh & Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne
THU 14 – 16 IN X-C2-228
300270 / LEH / SOSE 2024
Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne, Dorian Tsolak, Stefan Knauff
WED 14 – 18 IN X-D2-103
300251 / S / WISE 2023/24
Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne
WED 16 – 18 IN X-D2-103
300251 / S / WISE 2023/24
Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne
Wed 14 – 16 in X-D2-103
Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh und Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne
THU 14 – 16 in X-B3-115
300293 / KO / SoSe 2023
Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh und Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick
Wed 14 – 16 in Y-1-200
300294 / S / SoSe 2023
Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh
Thu 16 – 18 in X-D2-105
312831 / S / SoSe 2023
Prof. Dr. Anna Zaharieva
WED 10 – 12 in X-E0-216
Universitätsstr. 25
D-33615 Bielefeld
Tel +49 521 10600
Fax +49 521 1065844