Parental networks, wage expectations, and the intergenerational educational mobility.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 218 (February 2024): 146-175
Social networks, promotions, and the glass-ceiling effect.
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (online first)
R&D location in dynamic industry environments.
Journal of Economic Geography 24(1): 41–62.
Satisfaction with pandemic management and compliance with public health measures: Evidence from a German household survey on the COVID-19 crisis.
PLoS ONE 18(2): e0281893
Optimal promotions of competing firms in a frictional labour market with organizational hierarchies.
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 32(1): 100-131
Effects of technological change and automation on industry structure and (wage-)inequality: insights from a dynamic task-based mode.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 33: 35-63
Making the Match: The Importance of Local Labor Markets for the Employment. Prospects of Refugees.
Navigating Regional Barriers to Job Mobility: The Role of Regional Opportunity Structures in Individual Job-to-Job Transitions.
Assessing the Effects of District-Level Segregation on Meritocratic Beliefs in Germany.
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Local political climate and spill-over effects on refugee and migrant health: a conceptual framework and call to advance the evidence.
BMJ Public Health 8:e011472
Expectation Formation and Learning in the Labour Market with On-the-Job Search and Nash bargaining.
Psychosocial attributes of housing and their relationship with health among refugee and asylum-seeking populations in high-income countries: systematic review.
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Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics.
Location, Location, Location: The Role of Objective Neighborhood Characteristics for Perceptions of Control.
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Worries about inadequate medical treatment in case of a COVID-19 infection: The role of social inequalities, COVID-19 prevalence and healthcare infrastructure.
BMC Public Health 22:1761
Efficient and Reliable Geocoding of German Twitter Data to Enable Spatial Data Linkage to Official Statistics and Other Data Sources.
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Immigration, Social Networks, and Occupational Mismatch
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Association between housing and health of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany: explorative cluster and mixed model analysis.
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Institutional Anomie, Market-Based Values and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: A Multilevel Analysis in 28 European Countries.
Accepted for publication in International Journal of Conflicts and Violence (IJCV)
In Search of the Global Labor Market
This volume addresses pertinent questions related to cross-border labor migration and puts forward a “labor market” perspective that goes beyond the national frame of reference prevailing in most of the extant labor market scholarship …
Neue Partei und rechte Traditionen: Die Unterstützung der AfD aus intergenerationaler Perspektive. In H. U. Brinkmann & K.-H. Reuband (Hrsg.), Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland: Wahlverhalten in Zeiten politischer Polarisierung.
Springer VS
A method to define the relevant ego-centred spatial scale for the assessment of neighbourhood effects: the example of cardiovascular risk factors.
BMC public health, 21(1), 1-7
An ego-centred approach for the evaluation of spatial effects on health in urban areas based on parametric semi-variogram models: concept and validation.
BMC medical research methodology, 21(1), 1-12
Migration and intergenerational stability in female employment: The impact of differences between sending and receiving countries.
Journal of Family Research 33(2): 351-404
Migration and intergenerational stability in female employment: The impact of differences between sending and receiving countries.
Journal of Family Research 33(2): 351-404
Does social cohesion mediate neighbourhood effects on mental and physical health? Longitudinal analysis using German Socio-Economic Panel data.
BMC public health, 20(1), 1-7
X-GTA: The Cross-Topic German Twitter Archive.
Parental Networks, Wage Expectations, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility.
Effects of Technological Change and Automation on Industry Structure and (Wage-)Inequality: Insights from a Dynamic Task-Based Model.
An analytical framework for assessing types of refugee accommodation from a public health perspective.
badata: Regional Job Market Data from the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit — BA).
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