
Publications in journals (Selection)

Parental networks, wage expectations, and the intergenerational educational mobility.

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 218 (February 2024): 146-175

Social networks, promotions, and the glass-ceiling effect.

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (online first)

R&D location in dynamic industry environments.

Journal of Economic Geography 24(1): 41–62. 

Satisfaction with pandemic management and compliance with public health measures: Evidence from a German household survey on the COVID-19 crisis.

PLoS ONE  18(2): e0281893 

Optimal promotions of competing firms in a frictional labour market with organizational hierarchies.

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 32(1): 100-131

Effects of technological change and automation on industry structure and (wage-)inequality: insights from a dynamic task-based mode.

Journal of Evolutionary Economics 33: 35-63

Making the Match: The Importance of Local Labor Markets for the Employment. Prospects of Refugees.

Social Sciences  12(6): 339

Navigating Regional Barriers to Job Mobility: The Role of Regional Opportunity Structures in Individual Job-to-Job Transitions.

Social Sciences 12: 295

Assessing the Effects of District-Level Segregation on Meritocratic Beliefs in Germany. 

Social Sciences 12: 376


Local political climate and spill-over effects on refugee and migrant health: a conceptual framework and call to advance the evidence.

BMJ Public Health 8:e011472

Expectation Formation and Learning in the Labour Market with On-the-Job Search and Nash bargaining.

Labour Economics 81: 102311

Psychosocial attributes of housing and their relationship with health among refugee and asylum-seeking populations in high-income countries: systematic review.

Public Health Reviews 4;44: 1605602


Dawid, H. / Hepp, J. (2022)

Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics.

Location, Location, Location: The Role of Objective Neighborhood Characteristics for Perceptions of Control. 

Gerontology 68 (2): 214–223 

Worries about inadequate medical treatment in case of a COVID-19 infection: The role of social inequalities, COVID-19 prevalence and healthcare infrastructure.

BMC Public Health 22:1761

Efficient and Reliable Geocoding of German Twitter Data to Enable Spatial Data Linkage to Official Statistics and Other Data Sources.

Front. Sociol. 7:910111

Immigration, Social Networks, and Occupational Mismatch

Economic Modelling, 114, 105936

Dudek, V. / Razum, O. / Sauzet, O. (2022)

Association between housing and health of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany: explorative cluster and mixed model analysis.

BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-9

Nickel, A. (2022)

Institutional Anomie, Market-Based Values and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: A Multilevel Analysis in 28 European Countries. 

Accepted for publication in International Journal of Conflicts and Violence (IJCV)

Mense-Petermann, U. / Welskopp, T. / Zaharieva, A. (2022)

In Search of the Global Labor Market
This volume addresses pertinent questions related to cross-border labor migration and puts forward a “labor market” perspective that goes beyond the national frame of reference prevailing in most of the extant labor market scholarship …

Kroh, M. / Fetz, K. / Jacobsen, J. (2021)

Neue Partei und rechte Traditionen: Die Unterstützung der AfD aus intergenerationaler Perspektive. In H. U. Brinkmann & K.-H. Reuband (Hrsg.), Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland: Wahlverhalten in Zeiten politischer Polarisierung.

Springer VS

Breckenkamp, J. / Razum, O. / Spallek, J. / Berger, K. / Chaix, B. / Sauzet, O. (2021)

A method to define the relevant ego-centred spatial scale for the assessment of neighbourhood effects: the example of cardiovascular risk factors. 

BMC public health, 21(1), 1-7

Sauzet, O. / Breiding, J. H. / Zolitschka, K. A. / Breckenkamp, J. / Razum, O. (2021)

An ego-centred approach for the evaluation of spatial effects on health in urban areas based on parametric semi-variogram models: concept and validation.

BMC medical research methodology, 21(1), 1-12

Tsolak, D. / Bürmann, M. / Kroh, M. (2021)

Migration and intergenerational stability in female employment: The impact of differences between sending and receiving countries.

Journal of Family Research 33(2): 351-404

Tsolak, D. / Bürmann, M. / Kroh, M. (2021)

Migration and intergenerational stability in female employment: The impact of differences between sending and receiving countries.

Journal of Family Research 33(2): 351-404

Kress, S. / Razum, O. / Zolitschka, K. A. / Breckenkamp, J. / Sauzet, O. (2020)

Does social cohesion mediate neighbourhood effects on mental and physical health? Longitudinal analysis using German Socio-Economic Panel data.

BMC public health, 20(1), 1-7

Working Papers

X-GTA: The Cross-Topic German Twitter Archive. 

Damdinsuren, E. / Mitkova, M. / Zaharieva, A. (2021)

Parental Networks, Wage Expectations, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility.

Dawid, H. / Neugart, M. (2021)

Effects of Technological Change and Automation on Industry Structure and (Wage-)Inequality: Insights from a Dynamic Task-Based Model.

Penning, V. / Razum, O. (2021)

An analytical framework for assessing types of refugee accommodation from a public health perspective.

Software Packages

inkr: Local Access from R to All INKAR Data.

Nguyen, H.L. (2023)

SOEP RegioHub DataExplorer: Web Application for Interactive Exploration of Data at SOEP RegioHub.

Nguyen, H.L. / Tsolak, D. (2023)

badata: Regional Job Market Data from the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit — BA).